Monday, May 4, 2009

I Am Disgusted

Since when is it suspicious or threatening to disagree with the government?

A recent report was issued from the Department of Homeland Security, The report, titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," released last week by DHS' Office of Intelligence and Analysis, said while there is no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are planning acts of violence, it suggests acts of violence could come from unnamed "rightwing extremists" concerned about illegal immigration, abortion, increasing federal power and restrictions on firearms -- and it singles out returning war veterans as susceptible to recruitment.

Not to make this sound like one of Jeff Foxworthy’s “you know you’re a redneck if…” but…

You're a "rightwing extremist" if you are concerned about;

  • Illegal immigration. Which, last I checked, was still against the law and takes up millions of jobs while our unemployment skyrockets.
  • Abortion. Ok, if you hold the opinion that abortion is the murder of another human being, regardless of your justification, that makes you a potential terrorist?
  • Increasing federal power. Well this one I can understand. After all, I doubt the government wants to risk losing any of is power. After all, the government doesn't serve us, we financially support the government.
  • Restrictions on firearms. Yeah, don't you dare try and get a firearm. After all, you don't need it. Crime rates are nonexistent and there's no need for you to protect your property... and even if you did! That's what the feds are here for...

Wow, so all of that, makes you a potential terrorist threat to be CONCERNED about.

So I guess lemmings and the uninterested/apathetic are the only two demographics that are safe to remain in society.
And the veterans? Not gonna lie, this sounds like some slight paranoia.
DHS is worried that the people who fought, risked their lives, sacrificed time with their loved ones, and gave up the very illusion of comfort, those same people are the most likely group to become terrorists?

Ok, here’s how it goes, if there are legitimate threats, DHS should be the first to give a heads up. BUT… This isn’t a threat, this is a hunch. DHS acknowledges that “there is no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are planning acts of violence.” But then proceed to name stereotypical bi-partisan issues as motivating factors for terror…

So we’ve all learned something here today, the new definition of terrorist.
Terrorist – (1) One who commits violent or destructive acts (as bombing) by means of concern over significant national issues. (2) The political minority