Saturday, July 25, 2009

Epic Road Trip For The Ages. Days 6 & 7

Day 6 7/22

The previous night, Jaron went out for a night on the town with his friend, Jesse and Jesse’s fiancé, Nattanya. (I’m sure I misspelled that one) Based on Jesse’s recommendation we went to a less traveled beach. On our way we noticed a Billabong surf shop and yes, we had to stop. Long story short, we ended up renting a massive surf board for the day. It was sweet. Dutch and Josh are already surfing demigods from their time in Hawaii but Jaron, Dan and I all wanted a shot at it, so after numerous attempts all around, we all managed to ride a few in. Twas a blast. Weariness was setting in so we called it a day at the shore. On our way back we stopped at food lion. Dan and Josh wanted some cereal. They decided to drown their sorrows in waffle crisp. 3 boxes of the stuff.

After dinner, we went back to the beach, cuz that’s just our thing to do. We brought along Billy Mays. After all, he’s good pleasant company. And then Dan decided to kill him!! Terrible. With a bamboo spear. It was quite brutal, then Dan showed a little remorse. But he got over it rather quickly. Disturbing if you think about it. The poor tourists watched in horror as we impaled the inflatable whale screaming,
“Yeah, KILL BILLY MAYS!!!” He died twice in one month.

In fear, Dan, Josh and Dutch sprinted off along the coast so as to avoid the mob that was forming to avenge the advertiser/whale’s death. They arrived at Fort Story. A local military base. They were deterred by a team of paratroopers. Tough luck. Later that night we decided to have some fun with the white gas and, as our neighbor put it, “tried to burn down the forest.” But honestly, it was a very controlled explosion.

Day 7 7/24

Now, there’s something that you def should know about our campsite. The camp resort itself is infested with non Americans. Approximately 93.661% of the campers were from Quebec, French speaking, anti Canadian, elitist, Québécois. The rest of the people were from Asia, that’s all I know for sure. Oh, and the neighbors, the Voorheys. What a cool family… We started packing up, with much more skill than our unpacking just a week earlier, we basically burned anything we didn’t want. Food, garbage, all was fair game.

Finally we were packed up and checked out by noon, we went to Sonic for lunch. Dan hated it, all he could do was worry that they were going to steal his financial info, so we went back to tried-and-true chickfila. After lunch and some more browsing of the local shops, we began to get lazy and tired. So we went and chilled at one of the sweetest places in the whole world. The Jewish Mother. It’s a bar/restaurant/concert venue. We had a good dinner and just kinda hung out for a while. At one point, dan and jaron ran off and the waitress threatened that if the rest of us tried to leave as well, she’d run us down in her car and demand we pay… Not sure if she was joking… Before leaving, it took some tough maneuvering and more than one attempt but I managed to snag a poster for the phenomenaughts. Some band playing there. It was a good souvenir.

Seven O’ Clock – we began our trip back to NY. Boy was it interesting. We had to stop about 16 times before getting out of Virginia because Josh decided to drink freakin 8 cups of water before leaving. Around 11 we were already feeling the exhaustion so we stopped. Dan bought a gallon or something of mountain dew and the rest of us got Chai Lattes with extra espresso shots. It was a crazy trip. Dan and I switched up co-piloting and Dutch drove the entire 12 hour trip. Not breaks. What a trooper. He probably OD’ on caffeine though. We still managed to hit traffic jams at midnight. We’re just that lucky. Dan connected his straws together so he could drink while reclining but the traffic congestion got to his head and he started using the straws as a big javelin that he’d try to hit nearby cars with. It was a sight to behold.

Somehow we all made it home. Quite a miracle if you ask me. 7 am. And we immediately crashed in epic fashion upon the Smith’s couch. Dutch and I being the only ones who stayed up the whole trip.